$77.00 USD

Understand yourself and communicate effectively - based on your Enneagram type

Thousands of women who are professionals, mothers, housewives and students have stepped into their most authentic selves and are heard, understood, influential, and effective using the strategies taught in this Masterclass.

Now it's YOUR turn to know:


  • How you're uniquely wired to THINK, FEEL & ACT
  • How this impacts your VERBAL communication patterns
  • How this impacts your NON-VERBAL PATTERNS (body language, listening & writing)
  • The UNDERLYING MESSAGE you're communicating - often without knowing it


  • Your STRENGTHS when communicating
  • Your BLIND SPOTS & CHALLENGES when communicating


  • The STRATEGIES SPECIFIC TO YOUR PERSONALITY & ENNEAGRAM TYPE to be heard, understood, confident, and effective
  • How to INTEGRATE YOUR TYPE'S STRATEGIES into your day to day life
  • How to COACH YOURSELF during high stress moments


Ready to stop letting your unconscious communication patterns and fears rule your life?

Ready to have new behaviors and be heard, understood, influential, and effective every time you communicate?

Ready to know how to integrate this new knowledge and skills into your every day?

Ready to start thinking "wow that was easier to say and get what I want?"


Great! Complete the form on the right and you'll get started. ==>


"The Enneagram has become my superpower because the insights and Jacqueline’s coaching help me as a leader, manager & friend to better communicate with my team and help them continue to grow and master their craft as salespeople."

- Vicki T.


If you don't know your Enneagram type, don't stress - I've got you. Once you purchase this Masterclass, your welcome email will have a link to learn your type.

Your Coach, 

Jacqueline Hawk

NOTE: This Masterclass includes information on all Enneagram types, so you can learn about more than your own.