$77.00 USD

Delegate more effectively and easily - based on your Enneagram personality type

This Masterclass takes you BEYOND JUST knowing your behaviors when it comes to delegating — you'll learn & master:

  1. "What": Your Enneagram personality type tells you about your delegation STYLE. 
    So you know what you're uniquely doing (including your unconscious attitude others pick up on)
  • "So what": How your style and personality POSITIVELY & NEGATIVELY IMPACT your effectiveness and comfort
    So you can look out for each scenario
  • "Now what": The 2 strategies unique to your Enneagram type to DO THINGS DIFFERENTLY
    So you're effective and comfortable, not playing whack-a-mole with different strategies, stuck or frustrated
  • "How"How to APPLY the strategies specific to your Enneagram personality type to YOUR unique situation
    So you know what to do, how and when IN the moment

"Knowing WHAT to do is pretty easy.  Knowing HOW to do it and INTEGRATE it into your situation is the hard part."

This Masterclass makes BOTH EASY.


What else you should know

I coach VERY differently than other Enneagram coaches

 Most Coaches put you in a box by telling you your Enneagram type and your behaviors (sometimes the impact they have on how you’re perceived) but LEAVE YOU to figure out “what to do differently” on your own.

I’m trained by experts who taught me to take you leaps and bounds further by:

  • Removing the guessing game of "why is this happening to me?" and I have no idea what to do!" and 
  • Replacing it with, "ok, I know where I'm going to run into problems, the 2-3 things to do to avoid the problems or fix them in the moment, and how to make the necessary changes" 
  • Which gets results like, "OMG that was easy. They're listening to me. I'm less frustrated. They're less frustrated. We're all happy."

Which is why my coaching is so effective and gets results.

Get started and be more effective at delegating by entering your information to the right.


What my students are saying 

“It's working! Instead of worrying about bothering others or offending them, I'm confidently delegating to them and they're doing what I ask. I don't have to pick up the pieces either. I would never have known known my Enneagram type has EVERYTHING to do with why I was struggling, and how to FIX it - until this course." 

Sr. Director of Finance, Venture Capital Firm


"I thought I was good at delegating, but no one did things the way I wanted or needed them done. And I ended up doing all the work. After this Masterclass I understand it's because my Enneagram type doesn't share enough information the way most people need it and HOW I can start sharing my thoughts and processes without giving others all the answers."

Portfolio Manager


Now, where in your life would you like to make delegating easier?

And have people listen to you and action what you say? 

And feel more comfortable in the process?


Make all of this happen by entering your information on the right and get started with this Masterclass.


 Your Coach, 

Jacqueline Hawk

NOTE: This Masterclass includes information on all Enneagram types so that you can learn about more than your own.

If you don't know your Enneagram type, don't worry. Once you purchase the Masterclass, your welcome email includes links to learn your type.