Stop hiding, and start asking for what you want to soar in your life, relationships and career


Power of the Ask System

My 4-step system empowers women to take back some control in their relationships, careers, boundaries, and health by CONFIDENTLY, CLEARLY & CONVINCINGLY COMMUNICATING WHAT THEY WANT in every moment - and get it.
Are YOU ready to STOP dimming your light and START shining bright, feeling free and LIVING passionately - with ease?



Here's how create the life you desire, instead of the life created for you...


Power of the Ask Workbook

Finally a book that goes beyond inspiration and teaches you step-by-step "how to" build your confidence and convincing case for the career opportunities, money, appreciation, boundaries, support and respect you deeply desire to be happy, fulfilled and healthy. 

When you buy this book, you get 40-days of workbook prompts to practice the strategies you learn building an "ask" for anything and everything you desire.



Power of the Ask Digital Academy

Learn and instill the actionable strategies you've been needing to stop hiding and start asking for what you need, start getting a "yes" instead of a "no" or "not now", and be confident and empowered in every conversation.

This is for you if you like learning in bite-sized pieces and on your own time, while still learning from an expert coach who will coach you through how to apply the strategies to your situation.



Workshops & keynotes

Teach individuals, teams and communities the actionable skills and confident mindset to advocate for their careers, boundaries, and well-being, and build empowered teams - while creating win-win solutions.

When individuals know how to present a "case" for anything with confidence, conviction and connection, innovation, engagement, sales, and results sky-rocket. 





Transformations so great, you have to read them


"Power of the Ask enabled me to personally and professionally sync up and action my higher goals and priorities, and re-ignite my confidence and self-assurance to successfully transition through various stages of my life and career."


- Noello, Mom & Head of Digital @ Luxury Good PR  Agency, Web3 specialist

"For the first time I'm voicing what I need to my boss and others.

My boss is taking on what I say, and I've even fallen back in love with my job!"

- Rosa, Co-Founder @ Rupa Health


"My goal was to do it all without doing it ALL which requires delegating - something I struggled with.

Power of the Ask helped me not only build a script to confidently delegate, but also build my confidence to do so - without feeling bad about it or like they wouldn't like me."

- Doro, Mom, Wife & Chief of Staff @ Headline Ventures

"When I needed to re-organize my professional and personal life, Power of the Ask gave me a system to ask for ANYTHING I want - whether its a hire, a promotion, or support from my partner. I've also leveled up my people and time management skills.

Jacqueline's system is great at pulling out answers inside of you and applying them to your situation!"

- Bree, Business Development @ Ravix Group

"When I put the strategies to work, my boss told me that because I was able to clearly lay things out and demonstrate the value, it was the easiest promotion to Director he has EVER pushed through.

As a bonus, my promotion came with a 25% increase in pay (the average is 3%)!"


- Brenda, Director of Client Engagement @ Armanino

"I was searching for a way to advocate for my career growth while still being a team player and the Power of the Ask™ gave me strategies for speaking confidently about my value and aligning business need with my priorities for an outcome that worked for everyone.

I use the system ALL the time."

- Katherine, People, Operations @ Google

The Power of the Ask System has all the skills & strategies you need to say...


"Hallelujah, I know what I want, feel fired up about it, have a clear and convincing message, and the confidence to have the conversation - and GET the outcome I desire!"


This is typically when women wonder "what's in this system that gets transformational results?!"


While you'll find out ALL the strategies, scripts, life-altering mindset tools, and guidance on how to apply everything to your unique situation IN the digital Academy and ebook, what I CAN tell you now is an OUTLINE of what you will learn that's creating creates quantum leaps for my clients' goals, happiness and manifestations:



Get clear

Everything hinges on knowing what you want, and how clear and specific you are about the outcome you desire. I'll teach you the questions to ask yourself to get crystal clear on what you want and have a north star.


Have a convincing case

Knowing what you want to say and your outcome does NOT mean you'll get it -  I'll teach you how to organize all the thoughts spinning in your head into an easy-to-understand, convincing AND aligned message. 


Feel confident  

Once you get closer to having the actual conversation, you'll experience ALL the narratives, beliefs and reasons not to have the it, why you won't get what you want, or anxieties that lead you to fumble through OR be “too direct”. I'll teach you how to embody confidence - and kick fear and imposter syndrome to the curb.


Speak with finesse

Now that you have ALL the pieces and confidence to convince someone to give you what you desire, I'll teach you how to DELIVER your ask with a style that's well received - NOT passive or aggressive.

You’re just a few steps away from your:


"Hell yes, I only had to say that once!"


"Wow, I feel more prepared and thus more confident to speak up and deal with this situation!"


"Wait, did you just say 'YES' to what I asked for?"


"Whoa, my career is advancing the way I want it to, my relationships are amazing, I'm supported and living the life I've wanted to manifest - instead of watching others pass me by!"


"Wow, I have fewer regrets!"


Get me started

Hi, I'm Jacqueline!

Former corporate leader, certified ICF, Enneagram, neurolinguisti-programming (NLP)o& somatic coach, human & organizational development specialist, business owner, mom of 2, and wife


I'm on a MISSION to create a society where women are empowered and equipped to speak up for what they need and are worth, set boundaries and honor their boundaries, and feel comfortable when they receive everything they've ever wanted.

So we women CREATE and are FREE, instead of RESPOND and feel marginalized!

More about me later, but first...


The system you are here to learn took me from being stuck and following others' plans to:


  • Designing my own roles at Deloitte & a start up to fit my skills, passions & growth plans 
  • Negotiating 20% & 50% pay raises, extra team members, and virtual working (before it was a thing) 
  • Setting boundaries with my schedule and health HONOR them 
  • Overcoming microaggressions, and be TRULY in the right rooms, valued, & heard 
  • Navigating complex matrix organizations with ease and influence 
  • Marrying a man that meets my needs, including providing support and appreciation WHEN and HOW I need 
  • Being in FLOW navigating a household, marriage, and children and running a business
  • Creating a 6-figure business working part time while having serious boundaries in place!
  • Getting 60% off my luxury wedding venue to fit my budget
  • ...And numerous other "impossible" asks

Are you ready for your own transformation, empowerment, and easier life?



Let's get you enrolled

Something inside knows you’re playing small, hiding, or your fire isn't fully lit - and you want to shine bright and love life.


You just need the right system to empower and equip you to speak up for yourself in ways you never have before, so your outer and inner experience are everything you dream of.


Power of the Ask Digital Academy


Fundamentally change how empowered you feel in every interaction. Starting getting your way while creating win-win situations.


Live Workshops & Trainings

Price upon request

  • Keynotes
  • Half & full-day trainings
  • On-demand Academy in your well-being & development catalogue

Your life BEFORE Power of the Ask System


  • It's increasingly harder to get to the next level of your career and  relationships (and navigate the personalities in it)
  • You get to that "next level", then don't know how to navigate the BS
  • You feel shy or nervous, and find it hard to articulate what you want say – and are overly cautious 
  • You say something 5x then someone says it once and gets credit OR after the 5th time you're so frustrated you yell
  • You're pushed to talk, but your mood or preparation isn’t aligned – and you force your ideas onto others, and they're not well received 
  • You spend your time with this strategy and that strategy, like throwing spaghetti on a wall, but not seeing the results you desire  
  • You compare yourself to others and it makes you feel bad
  • ​You see others struggling with similar issues, yet are NOT willing to accept “this is how it has to be” 


Your life WITH
Power of the Ask System


  • You are empowered and living a life "by you" instead of reactionary and "to you" 
  • Your relationships are remarkably better 
  • Your career is advancing at the pace you want, with the right opportunities and pay 
  • You are supported and appreciated WHEN you want to be and HOW you want to be 
  • ​You are confident in any conversation 
  • You're heard and understood - and others action what you say 
  • ​You're clearly and succinctly articulating what you want to say in any room without thinking twice 
  • You're breaking down barriers and solving problems 
  • Others are asking YOU “how did you do that? You make it look easy


There’s absolutely NO need to do this on your own

Let yourself be supported


With my proven proprietary system, paired with what you have to offer and say, it's time to shift you into an empowered and powerful communicator who advocates for yourself with the right convincing message, timing and confidence - and is well received.


Take the first step and be part of many women who are shattering the status quo, re-igniting the fire in them and manifesting their dreams through powerfully spoken words…


Frequently Asked Questions

More from our growing community of empowered women...

"If you're uncertain about how to approach an issue at work, The Power of the Ask™ will help you clarify your purpose, desired outcome, and how to achieve it!"

- Katherine, People, Operations @ Google

"The type of hard questions Jacqueline askes helped the women of our Executive Advancement Program think differently. It's been amazing to hear how vocal they are in preparing to ask for a promotion, or having those challenging conversations with their leaders/Partners on aligning expectations to get to the next level. I love seeing their confidence rise, especially compared to how quiet many of them were before Power of the Ask."


- Sharon, Managing Director Consulting @ Armanino

"I am impressed how Jacqueline allowed sufficient time and space throughout the workshop for our people to brainstorm how to apply what they were learning to their current situation."


- Kenya, Employee Engagement Specialist @ Patreon

The buck stops here!


You are NOT here to live a pre-fab life.

You are NOT meant to be trapped by the expectations of others.

You are NOT meant to dim your light while others shine.


You ARE meant to design and create your destiny.

You ARE meant to feel free inside and out.

You ARE meant to shine bright and express yourself.


 I and the Power of the Ask system will get you there, so you too are saying...


"oh my god, everything I want is falling into place!"



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